Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I use Symphony Consulting instead of the big name consulting companies?
- Symphony is a niche consulting firm focused on its core competencies: supply chain, manufacturing, and Information Technology. Our expertise helps us to create a richer set of solutions for our clients in these areas.
- We have years of experience in solving industry-specific problems at some of the most respected technology companies. We have implemented proven solutions at small, medium, and large OEM companies, as well as their contract manufacturers and key suppliers.
- We are focused on achieving financial results that matter to your business success. We understand the speed at which you need to run your business, and we know how to make effective trade-offs to achieve both short-term and long-term success.
- Unlike some big-name consulting firms, the consultants that we assign to you are all experienced industry practitioners with domain expertise in the specific areas of our practice. At Symphony, you will have ongoing personal support from a seasoned professional who knows your business well. Our goal is to grow our business, one referenceable client at a time.
Why should I use Symphony Consulting instead of an internal resource?
There are several reasons for utilizing our services:
- Expertise: We offer expertise that draws upon years of professional experience in manufacturing outsourcing, supply chain management, procurement, and IT. Our vast experience in providing solutions at technology companies gives us the breadth and knowledge that can contribute significantly to devising a solution which leverages the “best practices” implemented in Fortune 500 companies.
- Focus: In most companies today, people have to juggle their time to manage multiple priorities. Progress on long-term initiatives is often preempted by unexpected operational crises. Since supplier-centric issues have a direct impact on the bottom line, every passing day leads to lost opportunities in realizing the benefits of a program or project. Symphony can provide dedicated resources to help drive a project to completion within the agreed-upon timeframe.
- Perspective: There are no legacy systems or “existing” solutions to which we are tied, and can therefore provide you with an objective assessment of the problem and propose solutions. We are more interested in giving our client a solution that will meet the outlined objectives, rather than maintaining the status-quo. We have no financial interests in any of the solutions we recommend to our clients, and we are fully objective in our recommendations.
- Limited Obligation: Many times, companies need experienced resources to help with the peaks in workload that comes with managing a business change.They will often under-staff critical projects because they cannot afford to take talented individuals out of their current role within the company. It is impractical to hire and train a new employee to help with a short-or-medium-term project. Symphony can provide the resources necessary to meet the project timeline, without an extended obligation on the company’s part.
How do we begin working with Symphony?
Once a need for our services is identified, we begin dialogue to make sure that we clearly understand the deliverables and expectations from our client. In some cases, the problem complexity necessitates going through a brief investigation phase before we can fully understand the scope, timeline, and resources that are required.
After understanding these parameters, we submit a proposal, outlining a clear set of deliverables, milestones, and an estimated cost for our services.
Upon mutual agreement, we will begin the project and review progress on a regular basis.
Once the project has been completed, a closure meeting is set up to make sure that all expectations are met and that there are no loose ends.
Ongoing “maintenance” support can be provided to our clients as needed.
How much do your services cost?
Generally, it depends on the project. We will give you an estimate of project cost based upon a mutually determined outline of deliverables. We strive to produce exceptional value for the client, and our fees are small in comparison to this value. Our clients often refer to us as “self-funding,” since the annual savings that we generate far outweigh our fees. Our fee structure can be time and materials, fixed, gain-share, or a hybrid model.
Are you a supply chain software company?
No, we do not sell any software and are not software systems integrators. We are in the business of helping companies deliver better results by solving their supply chain, manufacturing outsourcing, and procurement problems. In the course of our work, we interface with a variety of software solutions as required. We do not have any financial relationships with any software company.
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